These rippers did an awesome job putting this together. Check out the Jetpack Ladies having way more fun than you and painting a perfect picture the feel goods snowboarding, skating and surfing can send through your nerves.
These rippers did an awesome job putting this together. Check out the Jetpack Ladies having way more fun than you and painting a perfect picture the feel goods snowboarding, skating and surfing can send through your nerves.
We got up to Bogus Basin this last week and the Bogus Basin Diggers have ben putting in work pushing up all sorts of new features. The jump line is open at the top of Claimjumper with larger jumps after recent storms as well as new rail features in there. Down lower in Mambo Meadows there is a slew of rails to slap AND... A BRAND NEW KICK ASS HIP. This thing is super fun for blasting and planting. Here's some photos of UNHLYFOLK Loren Exon and A.J. Ogden playing around on it.
Loren Exon with a salute to the method
A.J. Ogden poking you with some Indy action
If you don't document the party, did it really happen? A.J. shooting Loren with a Party Plant.
Photos courtesy Brooke Geery @
UNHLYFolk Blake Geis and some other Bendenerates are getting after it over there in Oregon, taking of business and stacking clips at Mt. Bachelor and The Greater Bend Metropolitan Area. Check out this mini movie they already made. It's nice.
There's snow in them hills. The Boise, Idaho's winter scene is waking up. With Bogus Basin opening up the last couple weekends, with plans to begin full operations on Monday, we're excited to shake the jitters out and play in the Boise Foothills and surrounding mountains. Here are couple quick shots of the fun on boards from the past weekend with UNHLYFOLK A.J. Ogden and Loren Exon, shot by Yobeat's Brooke Geery who will be wintering in the City of Trees through March.
UNHLY Folk Ryland West and friends got the goods at Boreal for opening weekend. Checkout the fun here and get up in dem hills. Winter is here.
Well it's October 1st so here's a little throwback to Mystery District's Ghostland Snowboard Flick. Happy Haunting this month from all us UNHLYFOLK. Shot and edited by Derek Weimer
The Think Thank crew has been at the forefront of creative snowboarding and documenting it for years now and their latest teaser for their latest film keeps the juices flowing. Check it out here to see what's in store for the fall 2015 release of Methods Of Prediction. Have a look see HERE or click the image below.
UNHLYFOLK Jack Harris and his crew put in work this winter out in the Michigan Streets. They are going to be putting out a movie for you to enjoy their exploits on the screen. Check out the teaser here for some quality DIY snowboarding. Video by Dominic Palarchio
Bogus Basin wrapped up it's winter season last week. Big thanks to Corey McDonald. Preston Woods and the Bogus Basin Terrain Park crew for making that the place to be for some park fun if you were in the Boise area. Creative Director A.J. Ogden (Juice) and Operations Manager Brad Jameson cruised some hot laps under the sun to celebrate the fun of snowboarding.
Brighton Resort in Utah is the place to be. Go ride there, everyone is doing it. Check out the latest Brighton Broadcast here and watch UNHLY Folk Blake Geis and friends do some cool tricks and snowboard maneuvers to pressure you into also doing cool things.
The boys are out at Mt. Bachelor with some heavy party boarding. Look for UNHLY Folk Blake Geis and friends getting down with some hot maneuvers. Hotboyz Calendar coming soon to never. Check it here on Snowboarder Mag
Known this girl for a bit and her passion for boarding has always remained steady. Here is an edit of her snowboarding park footage from last season. Check it out and tell your ladies to get after it cuz Laura is killing it.
Out Creative director and UNHLY Folk, A.J. Ogden just put together his full part from last season. Check it out here. Filmed by Thomas Uecker, Scott Wasden and Phil Damianakes. Edited by A.J. Ogden.
Long time friends of Team Take Forever and Mystery District are premiering a snowboard movie in Boise, Idaho on November 8th. If you are around check it out. It's at The Crux Coffeeshop in downtown Boise. Leave it to them to have a snowboarding premier and not have a trailer yet but here is the poster. Apparently it's a Cumback. Also showing will be The Snowboarder Mag Movie: Foreword that our other long time friend Derek Weimer spent the winter working on.
UNHLY folk Jack Harris is holding it down in the streets of Michigan. He's one of the nicest dudes out there, spends his summers as a digger at High Cascade, can crisp your car and on top of it all has some skills with the snowboard. Check out his full part here:
The creativity of the Think Thank Brain Tank is always so on it. Check out the edit from their time at Summit this past season and be hyped to get out there and board this winter. Keep an eye out for Unhly Folk Parker Duke lurking through. Go get your self a copy of Think Thank Almanac and Right Turn Left Turn. Thanks Brain.
It's official the summer is over, signaled by the end of all the summer snowboard camps and a few brisk mornings. But check out Unhly Folk and HCSC digger Jack Harris in this edit show casing his fun from the summer at high cascade snowboard camp.
Homies and homies of homies boarding their midwest winter hearts out. Keep your eyes out for this one. HYPE ERA
We know this guy. Jacob St. John season edit from 2013. Edit Derek Weimer. Yeah boys.