There's snow in them hills. The Boise, Idaho's winter scene is waking up. With Bogus Basin opening up the last couple weekends, with plans to begin full operations on Monday, we're excited to shake the jitters out and play in the Boise Foothills and surrounding mountains. Here are couple quick shots of the fun on boards from the past weekend with UNHLYFOLK A.J. Ogden and Loren Exon, shot by Yobeat's Brooke Geery who will be wintering in the City of Trees through March.
UNHLY Folk A.J. Ogden Full Part | 13/14 Snowboard Season
Out Creative director and UNHLY Folk, A.J. Ogden just put together his full part from last season. Check it out here. Filmed by Thomas Uecker, Scott Wasden and Phil Damianakes. Edited by A.J. Ogden.
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