Our hills have been getting dusted with a few brave souls making hiking up the slopes to get those early season turns. We hope to be joining them soon on the ol’ snowboards. We’re getting pretty excited for the season to get fired up. While we wait, here’s some clips of UNHLYFOLK A.J. Ogden and friends getting saucy last season in the Boise hills and beyond. Snowboarding is fun and we’re ready for it. Enjoy. Big thanks to Bogus Basin Terrain Parks crew for stoking the stoke with fun stuff to ride all season.
Jetpack 5000 | Lost In Space
These rippers did an awesome job putting this together. Check out the Jetpack Ladies having way more fun than you and painting a perfect picture the feel goods snowboarding, skating and surfing can send through your nerves.
Easy Like Friday Morning
UNHLYFolk Sean Ahern and Loren Exon had a nice soothing click-clack morning the other day. Here's some dad cam clips of the fun. Go Skate, the weather outside is skatey.
Dalton Beeson is flying high right now. He just got on Bacon Skateboards and here's a peek into the magic of why. Congratulations man! Check it out. Film/Edit: Derek Weimer.
HCSC Highlighter with Parker Duke
UNHLYFOLK Parker Duke has been ripping on a snowboard for years. Through thick and thin, he loves it. But you don't have to take our word for it. Check out his Highlighter for High Cascade here as you get hyped for summer shred and adventures.
If you're in the Boise area, there is little introduction needed for the excitement the reopening of Rhodes Skatepark has triggered in the Idaho skate community. But if you want to catch some feels and get hyped to roll, check out this quality piece by Sidewayz Films about the newest old gem in the gem state.
Idaho Gold
There's snow in them hills. The Boise, Idaho's winter scene is waking up. With Bogus Basin opening up the last couple weekends, with plans to begin full operations on Monday, we're excited to shake the jitters out and play in the Boise Foothills and surrounding mountains. Here are couple quick shots of the fun on boards from the past weekend with UNHLYFOLK A.J. Ogden and Loren Exon, shot by Yobeat's Brooke Geery who will be wintering in the City of Trees through March.
UNHLY Mr. Hood.
UNHLY Folk are abundant up at Mt. Hood in the summers at High Cascade Snowboard Camp. We were fortunate enough to pay a visit to the diggers up there, rake(rape) a few lips and do some snowboarding. Always a huge thank you to Corey McDonald and the Diggers up there for the good times and rad vibes and authorized awesome. #alwaysthankadigger
Here's some quick clips with Loren Exon, A.J. Ogden, Oliver Dixon, Sam, Matt Miller.
Dad Cam: A.J. Ogden, Phil Daminakes
THINK THANK | Methods of Prediction Teaser
The Think Thank crew has been at the forefront of creative snowboarding and documenting it for years now and their latest teaser for their latest film keeps the juices flowing. Check it out here to see what's in store for the fall 2015 release of Methods Of Prediction. Have a look see HERE or click the image below.
Detroit Done Dirty
Cruising with Juice
Bogus Basin wrapped up it's winter season last week. Big thanks to Corey McDonald. Preston Woods and the Bogus Basin Terrain Park crew for making that the place to be for some park fun if you were in the Boise area. Creative Director A.J. Ogden (Juice) and Operations Manager Brad Jameson cruised some hot laps under the sun to celebrate the fun of snowboarding.
Bachelor Party - Volume 1
The boys are out at Mt. Bachelor with some heavy party boarding. Look for UNHLY Folk Blake Geis and friends getting down with some hot maneuvers. Hotboyz Calendar coming soon to never. Check it here on Snowboarder Mag
UNHLY Folk A.J. Ogden Full Part | 13/14 Snowboard Season
Out Creative director and UNHLY Folk, A.J. Ogden just put together his full part from last season. Check it out here. Filmed by Thomas Uecker, Scott Wasden and Phil Damianakes. Edited by A.J. Ogden.
Jack Harris is UNHLY
UNHLY folk Jack Harris is holding it down in the streets of Michigan. He's one of the nicest dudes out there, spends his summers as a digger at High Cascade, can crisp your car and on top of it all has some skills with the snowboard. Check out his full part here:
HCSC X DWD Digger Edit
Always thank a digga! The High Cascade Diggers kill dinosaurs in this top notch edit from the summer up on Mt. Hood. Thanks to Dinosaurs will die snowboards for doing it up right!
We know this guy. Jacob St. John season edit from 2013. Edit Derek Weimer. Yeah boys.
UNHLY A.J. Ogden 12/13 edit
Aj Ogden Fullpart 2013 from Derek Weimer on Vimeo.
UNHLY Creative Director and Co-Founder getting a little loose on his snowboard last season. Check it out. Edit courtesy of Derek Weimer.